In April 2023, the CH of Cholet decided to swap its cabinets filled with CVs and tracking sheets for Mstaff, the HR tool specialized in health that allows for managing recruitment from A to Z. “We had been waiting a long time for a tool like this” explains Karine David, head of staffing at the CH of Cholet: “we really wanted a faster and more efficient processing of applications, as well as better traceability.”
Mstaff was deployed within the CH of Cholet following the call for tenders launched by GHT 49. Among the strengths of Mstaff that convinced the management, Ms. David cites its ergonomics: “With its web format and features like drag and drop, Mstaff is very easy to use.”
The HR director praises the speed with which her colleagues have embraced the tool and already notices positive developments: “We now have a comprehensive view of all applications and all recruitments, which was not the case before. Our exchanges have greatly improved in fluidity, thanks to this traceability and accessibility. We waste much less time!”
In just a few months, the establishment has processed a significant volume of recruitments with Mstaff, including 120 during the months of July and August alone.
Thanks to the customization of their presentation page done independently with Mstaff, without the need for an external service provider, establishments can showcase their employer brand. For Karine David, this is a real asset to leverage: “We try to be as attractive as possible by keeping it alive, showing the news of our establishment, regularly updating our photo gallery... These are things we didn't really have on our own website, or on the job listing sites where we posted our ads.”
At a time when paramedical professionals are increasingly difficult to attract, it is indeed essential to know how to stand out and highlight one's strengths. Thanks to its investments and efforts, the CH of Cholet has already managed to gather a database of 700 qualified profiles on Mstaff.