Eager to simplify the daily life of management while ensuring the continuity of care, the GHR has chosen Hublo to communicate its replacement needs to its 2,175 registered agents. For Patrice Belloy, senior manager at the GHR's human resources department, Hublo represents “a dynamic solution to address short-term absenteeism, as well as the lack of staff due to vacant positions.”
Since the implementation of Hublo, Mr. Belloy has noticed “a decrease in stress among our managers” because “once they post their mission offers, they just have to wait for agents to apply: they save time and are more at ease.”
Thanks to the simplicity of Hublo's operation, GHR staff can position themselves on the 80,000 hours of missions offered each year on the platform, as Mr. Belloy explains: “Our agents are happy to be able to work overtime. We even have what we call 'hublophiles': agents who take on between 20 and 30 hours of missions each month - in compliance with working and resting hours.”
Beyond the financial gain, these professionals are also attracted by the opportunity to discover other services. This mobility has the advantage, according to Mr. Belloy, of allowing “a professional unbundling that increases versatility.”
With an average of 6,700 hours of assignments completed each month via Hublo, the human resources department of GHR must manage numerous payment flows. However, thanks to the interface available between its time management system and Hublo, this task is greatly simplified according to Patrice Belloy: “This interface allows us to directly integrate Hublo assignments into our schedules, and thus include them in the payroll calculation at the end of the month: it saves us time and helps secure the data.”
Indeed, as Mr. Belloy explains: “reducing the number of parties involved between the creation of assignments and payroll helps to decrease errors.” Thanks to this interface, Mr. Belloy estimates that GHR “improves in quality at the level of human resources, as well as in services.”